Is Pilates a Good Workout?

Is Pilates a Good Workout?

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If you’re a Boulder-area resident looking to switch up your fitness routine, you may be considering a Pilates class. If there’s anything holding you back, it’s likely the idea that this is an “easy” or ineffective workout. After all—how could breathing, stretching, and pulsing compare to the adrenaline-boosting experience of rock climbing, skiing, or hiking? To that end, how can a low-impact workout change your body if there’s no, well, impact? We’re here to dispel any and all myths about Pilates, especially for the adventure-seeking residents of Boulder, CO.


So, is Pilates a good workout? To answer: It’s not a good workout. It’s a fantastic workout.


However, we should step back for a few minutes. What qualifies as a “good” workout? Is it something that gets you breathing harder, or something that elevates your heart rate? Are you in search of muscle fatigue, or perhaps flexibility improvement? Do you want to target specific sections of your body, or do you like total-body workouts? We define “good” workouts by what makes us feel like we’ve had an energizing but tiring experience. If you’re seeking any of the above aspects, Pilates will be a great workout for you.


That said, you won’t always break a sweat during Pilates. Some classes and sessions focus on breathing and balance, while others might blast music and ask you to pulse muscles to the beat. In Pilates, the exercises are always challenging, even when you progress to intermediate and advanced exercises. The basics may continue to be tough, providing a baseline “good” workout.


Unlike other types of exercise, those who practice Pilates should focus on doing exercises properly rather than completing them more times. The more you hone your technique and practice the basics, the more benefits you will glean from the exercises. If you instead focus on repetition while neglecting to fix your form, you will not experience the most visible benefits of Pilates.


Pilates isn’t about cardio, and it involves more than stretching on a map. The practice is about improving strength, flexibility, posture, breathing, and body control. How do you do that? Through muscle development. Whether you’re looking for a way to strengthen your core or simply start a new exercise routine, Pilates is an excellent choice.